At the beginning of the season, it’s important to do lawn walk-through of your yard. If you have a new house or never really noticed your yard and want to get started then let’s start here with your walk-through:
- Identify your grass type – this is important to know how to fertilize it and which herbicide you can use
- Identify weeds – helpful if you want to target certain weeds
- Look for fungus or other mysterious dead spots
- Look for dips in the yard that may need leveling
- Most of all – enjoy the walk!
If this is your first walk-through, then this will be a great time to measure your yard. Yes, I have a video solely dedicated to measuring your yard. After walking through your yard and taking some notes, don’t stop. I recommend walking through the yard on a weekly basis. Not only is it good for you, but you may catch things and correct them before it gets worse. I once caught some virginia buttonweed on the side of my lot that I typically don’t see without walking down my side yard.
☀️ Episode 4 of the Bermuda Grass Renovation series. ☀️
Visit my blog for more tips.
Below is a video walk-through of my yard:
Products recommended:
Best of Times in the Lawn!!