Probably one of the most important factors in keeping weeds out of your yard is the use of a pre-emergent. Here I apply Dimension 0-0-7 by the Anderson’s. I picked the Dimension up at my local Ewing’s Irrigation.
Note: Always know your grass type and soil temperature before beginning.
We all hate to pull weeds or take the time to spray the whole yard with a post-emergent herbicide only to have the weeds come back year after year.
This year I am using Prodiamine and Dimension as my pre-emergent. I will be doing a split application meaning that I will apply Prodiamine at half rate then few months later I will use Dimension. Here in Alabama the soil has warmed up very quickly so I had to get started a lot earlier than expected.
There are really two schools of thought when applying pre-emergent. Some go by the soil temperature while others simply work it into their schedules and use it on a consistent basis.
☀️ Episode 3 of the Bermuda Grass Renovation series. ☀️
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