Stop Armyworms & Stop Weeds (S2E22)

Yes, you can stop these Fall armyworms and stop weeds all at the same time! I throw down several products from insecticides to combat the armyworms to a pre-emergent to prevent new weeds from popping up this Fall/Winter.


What can be smaller than a penny, has a Y-shaped mask, and can turn large swaths of your lawn brown so fast that it seems like it happened overnight? Yes, that is what started to happen in my back yard. I did jump to action as soon as I saw it and sprayed some insecticide that took care of them.

What are Armyworms?

Fall Armyworms are the larvae of a type of moth. After hatching from eggs in masses of as many as several hundred, these green-brown larvae march in search of food, with blades of grass as one of their preferred meals.

Look for birds eating the larvae, or try pouring a soapy mixture in the suspected area to see it it brings any to the surface.

Fall armyworm lifecycle

Armyworm Treatment

In the video below, I cover my second treatment for armyworms and other bugs. My first treatment was toward the end of July. I typically would have done my second treatment around the middle of August, but the virus hit me and prevented that.

Fall/Winter PreEmergent

I run a schedule when it comes to applying my preemergent. The first of September is when I do my first application for Fall/Winter. I decided to go with Dimension this Fall and give my lawn a break from the commonly used Prodiamine.


Yes, you can apply insecticide with your preemergent. It can be applied with fertilizer, too, if needed. With this combo I expect to keep the armyworms at bay and also prevent those pesky Fall and Winter weeds from popping up.

Check out my blog for more videos on maintaining a Bermuda lawn.

Hope you enjoy the video below:

Products recommended/used in this video: