Fall preemergent is a must if you want to get ahead of those winter weeds and we slide into the cooler months. One of the best preemergent to prevent annual bluegrass (Poa annua) is Specticle Flo.
Best Fall Preemergent?
Specticle Flo is a group 29 preemergent. It’s active ingredient is Indaziflam.
- Controls weeds by inhibiting cellulose biosynthesis its primary site of action is the newly developing root of a germinated weed seedling
- No stains, no odor formulation
- Mixable with postemergence herbicides
- Newer mode-of-action – controls weeds known to develop resistance to other herbicides
- Works in turf, landscapes and hardscapes
Yes, I consider it the best preemergent for bermuda grass lawns.
Here is an excellent product sheet from Bayer.

Fall preemergent is easy to forget late in the season especially if you are doing split treatments. In this video I do a split treatment of 3 oz/acre which comes to about .5 oz or 15ml on 7,500 sq. ft.
Use the “OZ/ACRE to OZ/SQ FT” calculate on the Bermuda Lawn Calendar web site. Makes it really easy to convert professional grade measurements of oz/acre to oz/1,000 sq. ft.
Check out my blog for more videos on maintaining a Bermuda lawn.
Hope you enjoy the video below:
Products recommended/used in this video:
- Chapin 12 gallon push sprayer
- Marengo Herbicide (replacement)
- Specticle Flo (SiteOne)
- 20ml Syringe
- Keter Folding Table
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