Ok, let’s jump into it and measure your yard! The first thing on any lawn renovation is to measure and calculate how many square feet you have. Whether you are laying sod, sowing seed, throwing down granular fertilizer, or giving the lawn a taste of liquid fertilizer; you have to know how many square feet you have.
I guess we could call this a “Throw ‘er Down Guide”
Let’s say it’s late Spring/early Summer and you decide to throw down a whole bag of Scotts Southern Turf Builder on your 3,000 sq ft yard. First, that bag covers up to 15,000 sq. ft.? See what you just did? You through down 5 times as much fertilizer than is recommended!! The N-P-K ration for one bag is 32-0-10 for 15,000 sq. ft.
How many pounds of nitrogen did you just throw down?
Follow along in my Bermuda Lawn Renovation Series
Below is a short video from my YouTube channel showing a few clips of me surveying my yard and making my very own “Throw ‘er Down Guide”. Go measure your yard! I highly recommend a measuring wheel similar to the one I used here.
Products used in video:
Crescent Lufkin 12″Professional Measuring Wheel
DeWalt 25FT Tape Measure
Resource Links:
Area Calculator by Map Developers
Measure My Lawn
Best of Times in the Lawn!!